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Brian G. Rosenberg

Brian G. Rosenberg

Chief Executive Officer

I Make Things Happen

Favorite childhood book:
The Hobbit

Favorite game as a kid:
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar

Why education matters:
Because every child deserves an equal opportunity to succeed.

John Emmons

John Emmons

Chief Operating Officer

Keep everything moving forward

Favorite childhood book:

Favorite game as a kid:
Dodgeball | Chess

Why education matters:
Former teacher, from a family of teachers, Educations impact is for a lifetime… nothing in life is as profound.

Kathleen Decker

Kathleen Decker

Education Strategist, Knowledge Baroness

Training | Develop Curriculum

Favorite childhood book:
Incident at Hawks Hill – about a boy who gets lost and a badger takes care of him

Favorite game as a kid:

Why education matters:
Because it is our future and children need inspiration and enthusiasm to find a career that they love someday.

Abraham Mercado

Abraham Mercado

Chief Technological Officer

Tech, Tech, and more Tech

Favorite childhood book:
Niebla by Unamuno

Favorite game as a kid:

Why education matters:
I’m all about shining new light into things. Education is exactly that. Once you learn something, it truly changes you; you can’t unlearn something, and that is powerful

Zachary W. A. Brown

Zachary W. A. Brown


Product | Ops | Support | Tech | Engagement | Consulting

Favorite childhood book:
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy | Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Favorite game as a kid:
Rollercoaster Tycoon – Fun Fact: This game was written in assembly language!

Why education matters:
I would like to open up a Center For Children Who Can’t Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too, where we teach you that there’s more to life than being really, really ridiculously good-looking.

Candy Rosenberg

Candy Rosenberg

Community Builder

Create communities of happy and engaged users

Favorite childhood book:
I like Dr Seuss and would pick “Green Eggs and Ham”

Favorite game as a kid:
Basketball – I was champion in my village

Why education matters:
I worked very hard to get a better education and speak three languages so that I can pursue my dream to come to America. No one can take your knowledge away!! Education and knowledge creates opportunities. With the right education, you can do anything you want, you can go anywhere you want!

Emily Lopez

Emily Lopez

Corporate Identity Manager | Graphic Designer

Make Socrates look amazing

Favorite childhood book:
Harry Potter from J.K. Rowling and A Wizard of Earthsea from Ursula K. Le Guin

Favorite game as a kid:
Hide & Seek and Charades

Why education matters:
Every kid deserves a great education. Knowledge combined with creativity creates opportunities, and with these tools they can reach their dreams and goals.

Viridiana Rivera

Viridiana Rivera

Quality Assurance | Education and Tech

Make sure all content and features in Socrates work perfectly

Favorite childhood book:
Journey to the Center of the Earth by Julio Verne

Favorite game as a kid:
Super Mario Bros

Why education matters:
Today’s children are the society of the future and education is the means by which we can awaken their love for learning. Education gives children the skills and tools to be able to have a full life in harmony with their environment, it enriches the culture, values, and spirit of the individual and therefore makes them a valuable oart of society.